Ready for More Yoyu?

Feeling overwhelmed and stretched too thin? Finding Yoyu introduces the Japanese concept of yoyu—the bandwidth, capacity, and reserves we need to navigate life with ease. Through personal stories and practical exercises, let me help you cultivate abundance in time, energy, money, and more, so you can reclaim balance and joy.

Finding Yoyu Books


Feeling overwhelmed by lack of time, money, energy, or oomph?

We've all been there, but when we navigate life through the lens of yoyu, we begin shifting from not enough to more than enough of whatever we need.

What is yoyu?

Yoyu is a Japanese concept often translated as wherewithal, leeway, oomph, reserves, bandwidth, or capacity.

However, in its simplest form, yoyu means overflowing abundance.

So, when someone says they have the yoyu to buy a new car, it means they can afford a new car, but literally, they’re saying, “I have the overflowing abundance (of money) to buy a new car.” Find out more about what yoyu is here.

Japanese kanji charaters for yoyu

But what if you don't have yoyu?

For example, if your coworker says, “I should check on my mom on the way home, but I don’t have the yoyu,” it means they don’t have enough time, energy, or possibly emotional wherewithal that day to be supportive to their mother in the way they want.

I’ve lived in Japan for 30 years—more than half my lifetime. I’m not Japanese, but I’m fluent in the language and culture. As an entrepreneur, wife, daughter, and emerging author, I keenly understand overwhelm and what it feels like when you don’t have yoyu.

Now, I use yoyu as my compass to help me navigate and in many cases, even prevent overwhelm, and you can, too.


Discover your own innate compass for navigating overwhelm through 1:1 coaching with Marci

We'll explore the 7 areas you might lack yoyu. Then, I'll help you find ways to come back to center over and over again

Shine light on burdens

Let’s start with a free 30-minute conversation to understand you better, the overwhelm you’re facing in both your personal and professional life and how I can help.

Focus on what matters

I’ll help you navigate the overwhelm of responsibilities, set priorities for bringing both instant and long-term relief, and recommend a plan tailored to your situation.

Enjoy life with YOYU

Step by step, I’ll be there to guide you back to center so that you can enjoy life (and business!) with yoyu and learn to cultivate even more no matter what life brings.

Hear from Marci's readers...

On how our lives change when we approach life with yoyu

I’m no longer so hard on myself since learning about yoyu

"If I feel exhausted after a day with a lot of family interaction, I don’t force myself to stay up. It’s not that I’m sleepy. I just no longer have the yoyu to deal with everyone. I can retreat to my room, take a deep breath, and feel relief knowing that I’m ok, just low on yoyu."

I used to be a last-minute guy

"I used to prepare my PowerPoint slides the day before. I always felt irritated because there was no time to make improvements. After focusing on maintaining yoyu, I began preparing at least a week ahead. Now, I enjoy the prep time, and during class, I'm relaxed and engage my students more."

I do it for yoyu

"I travel for work and always pack several meals, so I won’t have to eat out. It saves money, but more than that, I feel better. Understanding yoyu helped me identify what I was already doing to cultivate it. I realized that I pack food to feel good while on the road, and equally important so that I’ll still have yoyu when I get back."

About Marci Kobayashi

Hi! I'm Marci. I have a dedicated spiritual practice, enjoy studying alternative-healing modalities, cooking a whole-foods flexitarian diet, and exploring Japan, where I've lived for 30 years. Learn more about my workbooks for kids, and journals for adults. Also, look for my upcoming memoir Otosan, which chronicles the five years I cared for my father-in-law, a WWII Japanese war veteran, as he navigates Alzheimer’s.

marci kobayashi profile

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