Feeling Capable

Reflections on how we navigate our way through this Earth experience feeling full of yoyu in terms of our capabilities – that feeling of personal strength and capability that comes from having confidence and competence.

Large glass jars on old country road

Share your pickles, please

What do you do with your creative juices? Bottle them up for safe keeping? If so, when is the right time to finally share?


Showing Up

Finding the “yoyu” to be more visible – what (or who!) helped me show up fully to write and share my writing more with others. When I saw her there in the middle of the web, I yelped with joy. I am in love with a spider. She was gone for weeks, and suddenly she…


Through persistence comes strength – 継続は力なり

During my first year in Japan, back in 1992, a dear friend taught me a Japanese saying. He wrote it on a piece of paper and tacked it to his wall. The saying was short and easy, and I’ve never forgotten it. I remember his handwriting, the paper, and even the color of the wall.…


My Journey is about arriving there now

Finding Yoyu with Spirit – How or when I call on Ostrich to help me stand in my power. Though I sometimes forget and need to be reminded, my journey is about arriving there now. By journey, I mean my journey or transformation into a position of leadership and mentorship. I have spent years consuming…

Dream clients and diarrhea - overcoming upper limits with Marci at marcikobayashi.com

Dream clients and diarrhea

In the last few weeks, I’ve been working with a dream client. Every time I finish a Skype call with her, I jump around with glee. I can’t believe how lucky I am to be working with her and building her website. A few days ago, we had another call and set a date for…


Jumping off the high dive

Finding Yoyu when you are afraid. How leaning on friends makes it easier to take that leap of faith. When I was about five, my mom enrolled me in a swimming class at the local pool. I loved it and was especially fascinated by the diving boards. One day, I padded over to the pool’s…